Small Business Grants
There is so much available funding for small business entrepreneurs. This includes:
- Loans and grants
- Funding from government, foundations, venture capitalists, sponserships, corporations, etc.
- Business start-ups and expansion
Who Can Qualify For These Grants?
Anyone who is interested in building their business can find a grant program for which he or she qualifies. Grants for businesses exist for a large variety of industries, including:
- Cosmetology
- Health Care
- Tourism
- Counseling and supportive services
- Massage therapy
- Agriculture
- Child care
- Fitness centers
- Transportation companies
- . . . and so many more
If you, as the business owner, are a minority race or ethnicity, a woman, a military member, disabled, or located in a rural area, there may be special opportunities available to you. Are you trying to adopt “green” business practices that are easier on the environment? Is your business trying to recover after an economic or natural disaster? Again, there may be special opportunities for you. And even if you don’t fit into any of these special categoriesthere still may be thousands of dollars in grants, or even millions, and other funding available! All you have to do it find them and apply. You can apply for small business grants to get the money you need, without going to a bank, as long as your idea meets the needs of the funding agency you are applying to.
Business Start-up
Due to worldwide economic recession, unemployment is at a high. Why not create your own job security by starting a business? Take control of your financial future during these difficult economic times. Grants for small business may be the best way for you to find your start-up capital.
Business Change or Expansion
There are many small business programs available to help you take your business in different direction in order to be more marketable or to better adjust to the demands of your market, consider small business grants or loans as a way to finance this change.
Do you want to start a new arm of the business? Try a new product or service? Maybe open a larger office or expand your inventory? Reach new markets? There are so many ways to fit a small business grant into your existing business needs.
What USA Grant Application Does and How to Get Started
If you are interested in federal grants for small businesses, or any kind of funding, for that matter, just click below to get started. The process is much easier than it used to be, with so much of the information available online. Still, doing it alone can get quite overwhelming, with such a vast quantity of available grants and grantors to search out and sort through. By partnering with USAGrantApplication.org, any days of overwhelmed frustration can be behind you. Instead, use our resources to move forward more effectively.
USAGrantApplication.org employs grant-searching experts who find and catalogue the available grants and funding sources for businesses. Using their research should significantly increase the effectiveness of your search and decrease your time spent. Our team is constantly researching and updating our site, so you are always offered the most current and comprehensive list of grants and other funding options.