College and University Grants and Loans
The education of America’s youth is essential to future growth and prosperity. According to the Department of Education, all but one of the fifty highest-paying occupations requires a college degree or better. Knowing the importance of higher education, multiple organizations offer university and college grants. These include:
- Corporations
- Foundations
- Federal and state government organizations
- Professional organizations
- Private endowments
- Colleges and universities
Scholarship and financial aid are both made available to qualifying students some are based on financial need and some are based on talent, area of study, life experience, hardship, or any number of variables.
Grants for Minorities and Special Groups
Every scholarship source offers minority scholarships: federal and state government, professional organizations, private endowments, corporate donors, and colleges and universities. Why? To promote diversity and inclusion, and improve the global marketplace.
Minority grants are offered to people who belong to many groups:
- Minority ethnicity or race
- Disabled, mentally or physically
- Low income
- Disadvantaged
- Homosexual, bisexual, or transgendered
When it comes to minorities, don’t be afraid to think outside the racial box. Some minority grants or scholarships are offered to:
- Friends and children of people who are homosexual, bisexual, or transgendered
- People who are left-handed
- Even white males have sometimes qualified for minority scholarships (controversial it may be, but in some areas or at certain schools, they are the least likely group to receive a scholarship or acceptance)
Grants for Graduate School
The median household income is $65,922 for people who hold a bachelor’s degree, while that figure rises to $77,935 for households in which a person possesses an advanced degree (National Center for Education Statistics). If you’ve finished your bachelor’s degree and want to get more education, you should consider grants.
The vast majority of graduate students 82% of full-time students and 60% of students overall receive some type of financial aid (Department of Education).
Graduate school grants are available, whether you are matriculating immediately after graduation or are returning to school after time away. All the same sources that offer grants for undergraduate studies also offer grants for graduate work.
There are many types of grants available to graduate students, though you will find that these grants are more likely to originate from grantors that are looking for students in a particular area of study. For example, the Federal Government has an especially large number of grants for students focusing on the health field. Minority graduate students, who are studying in areas traditionally underrepresented by minorities, will find a plethora of grant programs.
You can use USAGrantApplication.org to access billions of dollars in grants and scholarships available to graduate students.
Federal and Private Student Loans
In addition to grant monies, students can seek low-cost loans, designed specifically for students. Generally, student loans are easy to get, have minimal fees, small monthly payments, and very low interest. Often, there is no interest added or payments due until after graduation.
Federal Loans for Graduate Students
The amount of federal student loan money available to graduate, professional, and doctoral students through the Direct Loan Program is significantly higher than that available to undergraduates. Students enrolled in graduate or professional programs of study may borrow more per year and have a higher loan limit.
Stafford Loans
Many times, the college grant or scholarship you receive covers part, but not all, of your tuition and educational expenses. Thus, you may choose to apply for a student loan. The Federal Government offers Stafford Loans, which are low-interest loans with no payments until schooling is completed.
There are two kinds of Stafford Loans: Unsubsidized Stafford Loans, where you pay (once you finish school) all the interest that accrues during school attendance, and Subsidized Stafford Loans, where the government pays the interest that accrues while you are enrolled. Eligibility for Subsidized Stafford Loans is based on financial need.
USAGrantApplication.org provides you with a comprehensive listing of educational grants and loans. It is up you to take advantage of our thorough and extensive research.
With so much available funding, it would be shame to not pursue some to finance your educational goals. Whether you are seeking government grants for college, graduate school, or vocational or technical training; private funding; or a low-cost loan, the most important thing you can do it ACT. Move forward, taking action, toward finding funding. That is the only way to get it.